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Effectively Use Social Media Marketing March 7, 2011

Posted by socialmarketnow in Blog.
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For creative people to effectively learn to use social media to market their work as a business is one the most important aspects to living the dream of a successful artist. 

Every artist, at one time or another, has the romantic and imagined vision of Van Gogh slaving away passionately in his room and in the fields creating works of art one after another, after another. Truth is, even Vincent Van Gogh, as well as his brother who was a gallery owner, tried to sell his work everyday.  It just wasn’t the right time for people to understand what they were looking at.

Today, arts and crafts enthusiasts are more informed, tasteful, and eager for new and different kinds of work from artists all over the world.  With the help of Facebook and other social media forums an artist can easily present their work and themselves to the world, but it takes the “know how” and willingness to market your work. It’s part of the job if you want to live the way you could, making a living as an artist who sells their work as a living.

For those of you unable to perform the tasks that a social media campaign requireds; whether it be time to execute the tasks or time to learn the social marketing tactics and media sites functionality, Social Market Now and Etsy Allies are you business allies who can put your brand on the map for all eyes to see it.

Ready for more visits to your site and more sales? We’re you solution to an effective social marketing campaign and/or a maximized Etsy store showcasing your brand to new and existing customers.

Visit this link for helpful advice and tips to getting your art selling today – http://www.etsy.com/storque/seller-handbook/how-to-effectively-use-social-media-to-market-your-business–8391/